Tentoku'in Temple


   Tentoku'in Temple is a large temple belonging to the Soto denomination.
   Tama Hime (Princess Tama), the granddaughter of Tokugawa Ieyasu and daughter of Hidetada, the second Shogun, came from Edo to Kanazawa to be the bride of Maeda Toshitsune, the third Lord of Kaga, when she was three years old. She died in 1622, leaving seven children. Toshitsune grieved her death deeply, and constructed Tentoku'in as a family temple, where he buried her reverently.
   Most of the building was destroyed in a fire and rebuilt, although the entire gate was spared, and remains as it was constructed in 1694.
   The temple houses a collection of wind-up dolls that show Tamahime's life, as well as many statues of Buddha and other treasures.

Fee 500 yen
Tea ceremony 500 yen
Open March to November 9:00am - 4:30pm,
December to February 9:00am - 4:00pm
Closed December 29th, and January 2nd
Tel +81-76-231-4484
